Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011...Oh how I'm glad to see you go!

I can't quite summarize into one word what 2011 was like. Many great things happened for me and some others that I'm very glad to be leaving in the past. 2011 brought new people into my life for a reason, which I thank God for because there is always lessons to be learned.  It also took people out of my life unexpectedly, but now is when I understand why they had to leave. Yes, I'm thankful for even those hard moments because it has shaped me into the person I am today and the person I will continue to grow into. 

Looking back at all the positive points, I am so grateful for every one of them.  I was able to complete my Specialist degree (that makes 3 degrees so far!) Perhaps a 4th one will be coming in the future ::insert huge smile here:: I've gained some great friends at work as well as outside of work. I'm incredibly thankful that the M-Clan still lives! Even through rough patches, real friends will always stick by you. I've managed to conquer personal goals that I've set for myself and others are still in the works but I'll get to those in 2012, God willing! I was able to spend one more year with my family. Every minute spent with my family is one that I treasure because one never knows how fast things can change from one moment to the other. I'm thankful I had one more year of health because so many had to endure painful experiences. Every person that I met, who came and went, thanks for the laughs!

Now for the negative things, which in reality are probably a blessing in disguise. For those who have walked out of my life, it sucked, but I am far better off without them. I will never regret all of the things I did/do for people. I did it out of love even though in the end it was never appreciated. I wish them all the best in life! I feel sad for those who don't know how to keep friends in their life but hopefully they too will learn a lesson in the future.

I usually hate New Years Eve and despise letting go but things have changed. I'm so ready to let go of 2011 and welcome 2012 with open arms! Have a great new year everyone!!!


1 comment:

  1. Inspirational! Wishing you the best in little as I know you you seem like a great person who deserves the best. :)
