Monday, December 26, 2011

Things I know for sure

As cheesy as it sounds, Oprah has been one person in the public eye that I have looked up to for many years.  To me, she is the epitome of someone who came from nothing, faced incredible obstacles, and made it to where she is today. After watching countless episodes of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and  subscribing to her magazine, there was one thing I came across that I absolutely loved. She made a list of things she knows for sure. Now this list wasn't something that was developed in a day. It took years, life lessons and mistakes (and even successes) to realize what she knows for sure.  So I got the idea of creating a list for myself. Even though I am at the tender age of 30 (ha-ha), I figured why shouldn't I also do one? There are many things I have learned throughout my life and would like to share with people. Who knows, maybe you've had the same "a-ha" moment like me! I've kept all of these "truths" in my journal for some time now and it'll be interesting to see if any of them change as I get older.  Therefore, I present to you the first thing I know for sure! (note: these are done in random order)

The first thing I know for sure is...My mother is right about 99% of the time. I did not say 100% because we're all human and I do believe I won a battle with her once, ha! It is very funny how at a young age we listen to almost everything our parents say, especially mom. When we are growing up, we idolize her because she seems to really know it all, she even says she does.  Then we hit puberty and all hell breaks loose! They know absolutely nothing, they don't understand what it is to be a teen in these times and basically they are in our lives to ruin it. Time passes and we start to mature, perhaps even seeing that maybe the old lady isn't wrong all the time. Let's say she is right about 50% of the time at this point. Then out of  nowhere it hits you! The light bulb goes off and you dread even uttering the words, "holy crap, she's been right all along!"

I had this fantastic revelation around the time I turned 26, though it had been trickling since I was 25 and I refused to see it. It came out of nowhere and I nearly slapped myself silly thinking this could be true. All those times she said that certain "friends" were no good, she was right! Those douches that I dated which she blatantly told me they were douches, she was right! Now, have I ever admitted to her all this information? Most definitely not! I still have some pride left in me after all. Yet, I'm pretty sure she knows that I've realized her maternal instincts were always on the money. 

As I've gotten older, I find myself giving my mom's advice to my close friends and even my students! It's crazy to say but I'm turning into my mother. Years ago I would've been mortified to even have thought so but today I'm proud to say it.  My mom rocks. She is my rock! I thank God everyday for the mother He chose for me. 

And that is one thing I know for sure!

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to have a mom like yours. Blanca does, too.
