Thursday, June 5, 2014

Another year, another birthday!

Dear readers,

I am truly very sorry I haven't kept my end of the deal with posting continuously but work was quite hectic this year.  Hopefully over this summer vacation I'll be able to indulge you with my non-filtered posts and shenanigans.  It is officially the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!   Congratulations to all of the teachers out there for making it. You have managed to not strangle any students this year because after all you've probably realized (like me) that orange and/or stripes is not too flattering. The best part of today...I celebrate my 33rd birthday! What a fabulous gift the district has given me: last day of school and the start of my summer vacation.  Therefore, I am dedicating this post to myself and will not hold back to everything I have to say.  After all, they say the older one gets, the less you care (so true). 

I need to thank the good Lord and Jesus for blessing me with another year full of health & peace.  At the ripe age of 32, God granted me the clarity to see things in a way that has enhanced my life and has given me the peace of mind and health to see it all play out beautifully! I also thank him for blessing me with two amazeballs parentals.  Even with my dad's condition, he still knows I'm his little princess.  My mother, well what can I say without crying my eyes out?  She rocks!  Enough said! I also got to meet (finally) the man I've been praying for.  He's truly been a blessing and has helped me see things in a completely different way as well. I'm so thankful we both share in the same beliefs, values and faith in God.

Now onto the clarity portion of this post...

I've experienced many things in life, some good and some bad but I'm thankful for every single one of them. Either God knew they had to have happened differently than I planned or a lesson was to be learned. This year showed me cleared as day who my friends really are. I've had disappointments in the past before and this really isn't any different but I'm so happy things played out the way they did so my eyes can truly be open. Funny thing that is others tried to warn me SEVERAL times that these so-called "friends" were not genuine people; they only use people for when they have un mojon trabado, or when they want to complain/gossip about those around them.  I am not innocent because I have participated in those conversations with these people but I have learned my lesson and have asked God for forgiveness.  I know I am no one to be participating in gossip and believing in it, especially when it comes from people who live false lives.  After all, those who speak ill will of others it is because they need to divert the attention from their crappy lives to others.  It truly is very sad and I'm disgusted I even believed half of what they said.  Yet, I know the good Lord will do with them what is appropriate.  I gained peace and clarity, they lost a loyal friend.  As of now, those who remain have been great and have proved themselves, even through the smallest of gestures, how much they value my friendship.  I've always said that a friendship is like any relationship; it takes two to make it work!  When things go awry, it is the responsibility from either party to reach out to the other and discuss what is going on (after all, we haven't mastered the art of mind reading).  We are adults and therefore should act like one.  If things are communicated poorly (which happens all the time through texts & emails) don't leave things hanging. Pick up the damn phone and have a talk with that person, of course if they are truly worth it to you.  In my case, that's how I realized these people didn't value my friendship.  It wasn't even so much how they tried to insult me, but it was the lack of action on their part (as so-called friends) to reach out to me.  Pero bueno, al que hierro mata, hierro muere y todo tiene su dia y lo paga bien pagado en esta tierra. Yes, I totally got Cuban Mom on you all now, ha-ha!  Here's the kicker though, for those people, I only genuinely wish them the best.  I know so much about who they are, how they live their lives and I feel bad for them. I hope that God blesses them every day and that one day they realize the error of their ways.

In the meantime, I will continue living my life as I have been...incredibly happy, blessed all around, and at peace!  I couldn't have asked for a better life and seeing all of my dreams come true at the perfect time.  If you're celebrating the start of your summer vacation, a birthday, or anything then...ENJOY IT!  Much love and peace to you all.

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