Saturday, August 2, 2014

100 Happy Days Challenge

I feel like I'm always apologizing to my readers for my lack of blog posts, and even though I've been off for nearly two months, well what can I say? I got lazy and had a ton of other things to do. Once again, I'm truly sorry and hopefully I can get back in the swing of things. Anyone that knows me, knows I have PLENTY to say.

A few months ago, a friend of mine started this 100 Happy Days Challenge.  It's simple enough but the impact should be life changing.  Basically, for 100 days, you write down on a piece of paper something you're happy/thankful for during that day, no matter how bad your day went. You put said paper into a jar and at the end of the challenge, you can go back and see all of the positive things that happened daily to you. Sure it seems a bit difficult to find something great in each day but the purpose is just that.  Even through the most horrid of days, you can find something beautiful.  Therefore, thanks to her and some motivation, I have decided to take upon this challenge. 

My first entry was yesterday, and although I will not be posting a blog entry on every single one of  them, I figured it would be good to share some of my happy moments with you all.  Maybe someone else will get inspired (like I was) and start their own happy jar. In yesterday's entry, I was happy and thankful for my health.  Pretty simple and not very unique huh? Let me explain why I chose to start it off with that topic...

I've been going to my nail lady for over 7 years now and honestly she's amazeballs!  She's so clean and does her work so well that I can't go anywhere else-and her prices are great. Yes, I've been spoiled.  Around the start of June or so, I went for my bi-weekly nail appointment and she started to tell me how worried she was about husband because he has been losing a lot of weight and is losing interest in going out like they normally would do on the weekends.  They were also preparing to go for her birthday on a weekend cruise.  Fast forward two weeks later, she's back from her cruise and I'm there again getting my nails dolled up, when she tells me about her cruise and how much extra weight he has lost.  She was nervous because he does has diabetes (the really bad kind) and people were saying he might have hepatitis, etc. You know how Cubans can diagnose anyone because we swear we're all doctors.  So all of those hypothesis weren't helping either.  He was getting his liver tested that day but she kept telling me that I wouldn't recognize him because of all the weight he lost.  Surely enough, he comes home after his appointment, and the man I knew for so long, tall, well built, was now this hunched over human being who barely had a voice left.  He was so thin it was incredible.  The last time I had seen him, he looked perfectly fine. Moving along to the next time I go for my appointment, the news was in.  He has been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. It started in the pancreas, moved to his liver, stomach and has metastasized all over his body.  The doctor at Doctor's Hospital gave them the diagnosis within hours of him entering the ER. At that point, he only had a few weeks to live. Chemo will be of no use.  I went back yesterday for my appointment and he is already in Hospice care.  It was so surreal to me to see this formerly healthy man of only 51 years of age, lying on a hospital bed in his living room, being pumped with Morphine and Temazepam.  The most heart wrenching thing of all was hearing him scream to the top of his lungs due to the amount of pain he was in when he woke up.  His mother, sister and brother are also here visiting from Cuba and it broke my heart to see his mother crying because she can't do anything to save her son.  I wanted to cry for this family but really all I can do is pray for them.  I pray that God has mercy on him and eases his pain by any means possible.  Seeing someone suffer like that, one can only pray that God takes a hold of him.

Which brings me back to my 100 Happy Day #1: I'm so beyond thankful that I have good health.  Even with my minor health set backs, they are absolutely NOTHING compared to what this man and his family are going through.  With my health, I can go to work, be around friends and enjoy life.  I believe one can consider themselves rich when they have good health.  So take care of yourself.  Go see a doctor, don't be scared. Get tested for anything and everything.  Eat healthy, exercise, pray/mediate, do whatever it is that you have to do in order to live life to the fullest!

p.s- Thank you E.P. for the challenge :)

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