Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Return

It sure has been a while since I've blogged, even though the topics have not stopped popping up in my head.  Therefore, I figured why not put this site under construction for a bit, gather some stuff and get back on it. So ta-daaaa!  I simplified the template a bit to make it visually clearer and now I hope to get back to one of the things I truly enjoy: writing (aside from reading, of course).

I'm going to dedicate this post to answer the question that quite a few have already asked me since February...why are you not active on Facebook any more? Well, ladies & gents, an answer you shall receive.

For a few months now, I've had this internal storm brewing about social media. Yes, I know it's ironic considering this blog is a type of social media outlet, but hear me out for a bit. This internal storm as I'm calling it, made me start to look at social media in a different way.  When this phenomenon started (MySpace era), the main purpose was to communicate with friends, relatives, even long lost school mates.  As time progressed I started to notice the decline in the "original" purpose for these sites.  Fast forward to the time of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Insta-Whatever is out there now, and all you see is people complaining about dumb shit, all of their check-in's, endless & useless photos, and drawing this picture of their amazing life when in reality their life sucks donkey balls. Now, I do admit I have in the past partaken in some of these things but thankfully realized what an idiot I was. Perhaps I was caught up in the frenzy as well.  I tell people there are no needs for psychics anymore. Why? Because people put every damn thought that crosses their minds on a social media outlet. At this point, the main comment I'm tempted to put on every status update or photo is "who the fuck cares?!" or "Are you kidding me? I know you very well, your life isn't that great." It also behooves me that something that can be such a useful tool is not being used for more positive things! I mean, how much better would our society be if we posted things such as an upcoming Walk to Raise Cancer Awareness or Alzheimer's Awareness instead of checking into your own damn house? Seriously, if you do that, you're asking someone to come and rob your possessions, but I digress. Why can't we use it for more positive things?  Is it really that much easier to pick apart someone's life and talk trash behind their backs (or via their comment section)? Or to pretend you're having so much fun by posting continuous status updates and photos, because if you're truly enjoying life so much, you wouldn't have time to be posting crap every two minutes. I say that if such websites exist, lets all do something good with them. You have no idea how much your life can improve or even help someone else out.

In addition, the second main reason I dropped it like a bad habit was because I started to notice that people, or so-called friends, were keeping up with my life through social media versus actually picking up the phone and saying hello. Heck, even an email would be nice every now and then to see how I'm doing. If you miss me so much, why the heck aren't you contacting me? So I figured, I would put this to the test. A little over a month, and a total of 3 (yes 3!) people contacted me. It was quite nice to see that not everyone has lost the art of communication, that is not through a screen. Oh how I wish people would put that darn phone down and talk to those right in front of them. Cherish the relationships you have before it is too late and they are gone. Look at the world through your OWN eyes and not through the other side of screen. I can assure you it's so much nicer connecting with people face-to-face.

Hence, I have decided to use my current Facebook, Twitter & Instagram account for the good only! There might not be daily or even weekly updates, but from time to time I'll post links to new topics on my blog, upcoming events that are worthwhile for you/family/friends/kids, etc., book reviews, awesome recipes or great restaurants to try. Maybe I'll start a revolution! Ha-ha, ok so not much a revolution but hopefully inspire others to do the same.

That is all for now. Peace & love <3

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