Tuesday, June 18, 2013

An Open Letter To The So-Called Friend...

The other day, my friend Alina had posted a great photo on Instagram with the saying "If you drop your girlfriends as soon as you have a boyfriend, you will live to regret your decision."  Immediately, I could only think of one person.  I decided to no longer pursue this so-called friendship with said person or even say anything else.  Their time in my life was just a seasonal thing and the fact that they no longer care to have me part of their lives just proves even further they weren't that great of a friend to begin with. Therefore, here is my open letter. I needed to vent and perhaps some of you can relate...

Dear So-Called Friend,

I don't easily get fooled by people but deep down inside me I always knew you were a flake.  How? By your lack of ever making a decision on your own, by the fact that you can't ever stand to be alone, or even the fact that you can't handle when someone calls you out on your bullshit.  The moment your darling, piece of shit, ex-boyfriend left you, you figured what a great opportunity to hang out with my single gal pal, Arlene.  Anything you wanted to do I was game for (except for hitting a local bar for the 57th time in a row).  Yet, I considered you a friend of mine, always tried to give you the best advice, even though you never took it and wondered why shit never went your way.  You would even go as far and complain to me about your BFF who didn't care to hang out with you as much because now she is part of the "cool married people's club", and you after all, were just a single girl. Yet, one fine day things changed for you.  You met some guy and immediately became his girlfriend. Just one look at this poor soul and I knew you settled, because darling you hate being alone. Now, did you as the so-called friend call to tell me about this new person in your life? Nope! You kept it quiet for some strange reason, it was like practically pulling teeth. When I tried to inquire a few weeks later how things were going with said new beau your reply, "it's ok", was more than enough for me to know for sure you settled. Then I realized even further why? Because now all of a sudden your BFF wants to hang out again! How wonderful is that? I will even go as far to say that now you too are also part of the "super cool girls with boyfriends club" and have completely forgotten about your former single gal pals.  Well my dear, I can only wish you and that poor guy the best of luck. I hope others see you for who you really are, a total flake and phony friend.  In the meantime, I will sit back, enjoy my life with my real friends, and wait for karma to do her thing because when  life decides to hand you lemons, this gal's schedule will not have time to help you make lemonade.


So here you are 2013...

Summer time is finally here and I'm on the most blissful vacation ever: I'm kid-free...until August that is! It's been quite a while since I've posted anything on to my blog so I figured I would briefly catch you all up. 

January: Something happened but can't remember. I was probably stressed and working.

February: Something else happened, I was very happy but little did I know that shit would hit the fan two months later. More work, more stress!

March: I finally went to London & Paris. It was absolutely f*cking freezing in London. How ironic is it that I've never seen snow and the one time I see it is overseas.  London was too cold, the rain sucks ass, the people were nice but their food was pretty gross. Glad I did it, but don't care to go again.  Paris: Ooo lala!  Gorgeous city (can't same the same for most people), the food was splendid and the wine was out of control! It definitely is the city of love. On this trip I realized #1: I definitely caught the travel bug and #2: I will never travel with children again overseas, or even across county lines.

April: Finally saw Kenny Chesney in concert..on a beach...never doing that again. I also realized that when something starts up too fast and seems too good to be true, it DEFINITELY is too good to be true. Guess who has no time or patience to deal with guys who can't man up to their mistakes? This gal!  Pa' la mierda! If you're still doing high school shit and getting fucked up on anything, go take your stupidity somewhere else! I hope your ass gets caught in some drug bust. Let's see how "awkward and embarrassing" that conversation will be.

May: Incredibly delirious by this time, counting down the days until my present vacation.

Well, that's all I can think of now that's happened in the past few months. Stay tuned for more posts :)
