Saturday, April 28, 2012

My First Marathon...sorta!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I do NOT like working out.  I'd rather take a nap or go on a cleaning spree than making my lazy behind go to a gym. Speaking of a gym, I have a membership. Last time I went: can't remember! So I just consider it my monthly contribution to maintain the facility for those who actually attend.

Last Thursday, April 26th, the annual Mercedes Benz Corporate Run 5K took place in downtown, Miami.  Well, yours truly was convinced by her boss to attend this event with other coworkers. I didn't have much time to train but I figured 3.1 miles is no big deal. After all, I can probably do more at a mall!  The place was packed with about 22,000 people, many of whom actually took this running business way too seriously.

Well, I am happy to report that yours truly, along with her Westland Wildcat Troops, completed the marathon...even if most of us walked it.  By the second mile, I thought my legs were about to fall off. I'm still convinced that it was more than 3 miles.  As of right now, I have no idea how I'm going to survive the Disney Princess Marathon next February!  Why am I doing that marathon? Because my boss and my coworkers have suckered me into it. (Plus, my Jefa is quite a riot at these events, so it makes it much more interesting).

So there you have it folks, I did some form of exercise! Not sure if I'll keep it up or if I decide to pay the gym a little visit again but I'm keeping my hopes low so as not to be disappointed! Ha-ha!

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