Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Green, crisp and when it has triple digits we love it: money! Some call it the root of all evil, others said "Mo' money, mo' problems" (thanks, Biggy!). I wanted to discuss several aspects of this topic because it seems to be one that has popped up quite often during this last week.  There's some things I can't seem to understand about it and how people deal with it, so perhaps you can shed some light on it for me.  

Now, I will try my very best to keep this clean but there's a good chance some words may need to be bleeped for the kiddies. I've always wondered about this question in particular for some time now but it came up again last week while I was chatting with my friend, Kristie.  Question: how in the world are people always broke when they make twice what I do? I mean, how much of a fucktard can you be when a simple teacher who makes peanuts, compared to other professions, can save more and have no debt? This has boggled my mind for the longest and I've only come up with a few answers but if anyone else has more insight, please share! Perhaps they are in a never ending circle of debt because they have to keep up with the non-existent Jones's, or were they just never taught how money works and have no common sense when it comes to it.  I can't say I was always the good financial planner that I have become because in my early twenties I was a hot mess!  I was charging up everything and Lord knows I always had a new designer purse every month.  Then one day it hit me.  If I ever had an emergency, wanted to buy a car (yes, buy. I refuse to be paying for something that will never be mine in the end), wanted to purchase a home, I wouldn't have the money for it.  I do believe that Ms. Carrie Bradshaw was incorrect when she said "I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet". What is the deal with people trying to keep up with others? Why can't we accept ourselves for who we are and what we have? Therapy anyone?! How can one drive a luxury car and have no emergency funds (and by funds I mean a good 6-9 months worth of monthly expenses). Do people think they can't lose their jobs or fall ill?  As you can see, I'm quite puzzled.

Next, money seems to bring out the worst in people. They don't even believe in their mother's when it comes to those green little papers. Is greed really that prevalent? Yeah, perhaps.  Of course money can help one live a better life, have good healthcare and then some, but surely it isn't everything. Let's take for example the recent news of Beyonce's baby. My friend, Lexi, wrote a great blog about this, and I thought why not piggy back on it.  Just this morning on the radio they were talking how all of sudden people are in an uproar because she rented a whole floor, parents couldn't see their newborns and are just being quite spiteful to a newborn child! I mean it's a baby for crying out loud; she had no choice in the matter. Did Mrs. Knowles & Mr. Carter need an entire floor? Probably not, but we are still livid that they spent all this money and effort in doing so.  Why? Greed, jealousy? One of my momma's Cuban sayings fits perfectly for this: "Al que Dios se lo dio, San Pedro se lo bendiga" (translation for my non-Spanish speaking friends: what God gave you, may St. Peter bless it).

So I'm thinking, instead of blowing your money on pure shit and trying to keep up with a lifestyle that will never erase the real reasons you're like that (yep, another therapy reference) , why not give to charity or volunteer?  And instead of getting all hissy about money, don't hate. Go out and make your own. Be happy with what you have and leave those with the millions to enjoy it as they please.

Things I know for sure...part 2

I'm a few days late but nevertheless, happy new year!  This is my first post for 2012 and I'm quite excited to continue with my blogging adventures. Speaking of blogs, my good friend, Teresa, has started up a hilarious blog! Go check it out at:  adventuresoflivingwithmyhushand.blogspot.com

Just a brief update: 2012 has been great so far! I'm feeling very blessed and positive. Happy and excited for what's to come :)  Ok, and now for my topic...

Things I know for sure (part 2)...Everything happens for a reason & at the exact time they should happen. Sure everyone has heard this saying about a million times and have probably even uttered these words about a bazillion times. The reason for it is because it's so true and I'm convinced more of its certainty every day that passes.  

With every event that occurs in our lives, we sometimes have a difficult time in understanding why it happened, usually we question this when the event had a negative outcome. Perhaps a death in the family, something didn't go according to plan, etc., and we question it until we are blue in the face, and in many times blame God/Nature/Karma (whatever you believe in) for that occurrence. It isn't until much later that we realize the true reasoning behind it. Unfortunately, for some people they never realize it because they lack the maturity and open mindedness to see the positive of things. For the sake of examples, lets take a death in the family. Yes, it does hurt like crazy and we wonder why that person had to go, especially if they are of a young age or of a terrible disease. We wonder, "why them?" Now I can't sit here and tell you the exact reason, but I firmly believe that person left this world because they were needed elsewhere. Sorry if I get a bit spiritual here but it's just how I deal with that situation. Perhaps a bigger force (or in my life, God) needed that person more...perhaps they need some seriously qualified angels up in heaven!  Another scenario we can question is why people come in and out of our lives, such as friends. Once again, because it was meant for that person to serve its purpose and that's it. We all learn from each other and we may have learned from them how to avoid being a shitty friend and other valuable lessons.

For all of the things that have taken place in the course of my 30.5 years, I'm grateful for all of them because each has served its purpose and have taught me great lessons. Some took me quite some time to figure out but I got there! (and I haven't made those mistakes again). When people suddenly leave, let it go, and learn. If they have passed, pray for them and their families.  If a friend is no longer part of your life, pray for them and wish them well (yes, even if they do suck at life). 
