Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012!

For the exception of the final work week before I went on vacation, 2012 has flown by faster than a sneeze!  It feels like just the other day when I was eating my grapes and throwing back champagne at my friends house and I'm back again there tonight!  Therefore, in order to continue the cliche of what we all have learned and are thankful for, here is my 2012 wrap up...

Let me start off by thanking the good Lord for my health and my family's health.  Some days are easier than others and sometimes I just want to run out the door screaming to the top of my lungs (some of my close friends know why home life is stressful at times). Overall, if it wasn't for my mom's strength, I'd have a meltdown every week or so.  I am thankful for my parental unit, with flaws & everything that God has put in our way.

Moving on, I am very thankful to be able to get up every morning (even if the moon is still out) and head to work. My career is the most frustrating, hilarious, exhausting but never dull experience, work-wise.  Sure I'm underpaid compared to most jobs but I can definitely say I get so much more out of it than someone making 6 figures and who can never crack a smile at work.  Those kids sometimes can ruin my day or make it the best ever! I know I'm making a difference and that is all that matters to me.  My co-workers (at least those I'm close to) are some of the funniest and down earth people I have met.  It's a select few but I am very thankful to have them close by, especially when the kids are bouncing off the walls.  I teach, read, color, explore, investigate with kids! My job rocks!

This year was truly a testament for friendships.  I've managed to get rid of people who were only bringing negative things into my life.  I've gotten closer to other people who have become great friends of mine. In all relationships, I have learned so many valuable lessons and I am thankful, even if some ended on a sour note. People come into our lives to teach us many lessons. This teacher shall never stop learning.

I can say I was so incredibly lucky this year to have taken off of my "to-do" list two things: go to Washington D.C. & Italy!!! Our nation's capital is so beautiful and never have I felt more proud to be an American (with Cuban roots) standing in front of that White House.  Hmmm...I wonder if the Obama's wouldn't mind renting me a room there? Then there's Italia. What can I say about Italy? There's not enough adjectives to describe Rome & Vatican City. I don't think I've ever wanted to cry, smile, jump for joy as much as I did on that trip.  My next venture: London & Paris 2013 with students! I'm gonna need some baby Jesus blessings for that one.

As for my love life, well that was lackluster but interesting to say the least. Let's see, this year I've managed to meet not one but two fucktards who claim I was too "gringa/cracker/white" and another moron, whom my friends and I have coined "Rocks", because that idiot was dumber than a bag of rocks!  Oh and who can forget "Raj"? Thank you Jenny for making me laugh so hard that night by giving him that name. It suits this guy perfectly!! So perhaps 2012 wasn't meant to be my year of love. No worries because I had more than enough stories to last all year round!

Now I wonder, what is 2013 going to surprise me with? Hopefully more of the amazing moments from 2012 but with less rocks (oh please noooo rocks whatsoever!)
