Friday, June 15, 2012

The $20 Story...

These past two weeks have been of great learning and deeper understanding of peoples true colors.  As I began my 31st year of awesomeness, it became quite clear that one never ceases to stop learning.  Unfortunately, I thought  I knew enough on the subject of friends and what a friendship entails...I was wrong.  Nevertheless, I am thankful for every situation, good or bad, because it opens my eyes more to those who surround me.

My grandparents were pure geniuses! Yes, those humble, farm folk knew so much about life and they managed to instill good knowledge upon their kids (all 8 of them), which has in turn passed on to us, the grand kids.  My grandfather always had a saying, "Amigo? Yo no creo en amigo, si no $20 en el bolsillo" (translation: Friends? I don't believe in friends, I believe in $20 in your pocket).  Apparently, $20 in your pocket is a bigger guarantee than the friendship many people promise to keep.

Last week, as I was ready to celebrate my 31st birthday, I got a cold, hard punch as to who my so called friends are.  Now I can't judge all of them the same, but some really surprised me and not in a good way.  It's so funny to me how when people are down in the gutter, they would  immediately seek me out for comfort, company or just to shoot the shit every so often.  I, in turn, knowing what the definition of friendship is, would be there for them. Not just in the good, but also in the bad.  As it turns out, the actions aren't always reciprocated. I've had various people tell me how we should all "stick together" (especially the single people), yet those same people no longer pick up the phone or say, "hey, let's go get a drink".  Those same people who would call me to complain about their friends being too bitchy, issues with men, or girlfriends not pulling through for them, etc., are the ones who seem to be missing in action.  Or the people who apparently can't make decisions for themselves anymore because they are in a relationship or married, they too have forgotten how to maintain a friendship.

It turned out to be a shitty night of what was supposed to be a fun night.  Yet, not all was lost.  A few reached out to me and offered to listen to me. One even went as far to continue following up with me for a few days to see how I was doing until I finally vented.  I will be eternally grateful to that person because they know what it is to be a friend. 

I learned a valuable lesson that night, which I'll never forget (because Lord knows A LOT of things are going to be changing). As for those who have shown me their true colors, well they can go fly a kite because clearly $20 is worth more in my pocket than their presence ever was.